September 10th Balance Adjustments - Patch Notes

update | Sep 10.2018

Dear players,

A new update for Legend of Ace hero balance adjustments is ready.

Servers will not be offline this time.Please restart and update your Legend of Ace.

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Thank you for your support.


Hero Balance Adjustments:


Bloodthirsty] Reduce Movement Speed from 20% to 15%.

-[Bloodthirsty Bat] Reduce damage from 0.65ap to 0.6ap.

-[Red Moon Raid] Reduce damage from 60 to 50. Fix BUG(no longer invincible during casting).

-[Deadly Blood Raid](Card Effective Grade 3): Reduce damage from 90(3)% to 25(1)%.



Shadow Charge] Reduce damage from 1.0ap to 0.9ap.

-[Shadow Barrage] Reduce damage of Kublai from 0.2ap to 0.15ap.



Keen Blade] Fix damage of charging(no longer crit).

-[Sweep] Reduce damage from 1.0ap to 0.9ap.

-[Shadow Dart] Reduce damage from 1.0ap to 0.9ap.



Severance] Reduce max stacks from 6 to 5.

-[Wheel of Judgment] Reduce damage from 1.0ap to 0.9ap.

-[Elfead's will] (Card Effective Grade 6):+80(2)AP, +20(0.5)%Life Steal


Sword of Shadow] Reduce damage from 0.6ap to 0.5ap.

-[High Duel] (Card Effective Grade 6): +260(5) Health, +98(2) AP.



Eddy Current Coil] Increase effect of Shield from 8% to 10%, increase damage from 25 to 50



Spear fight] Increase damage from 0.5ap to 0.45ap

-[Dragon Fang Charge] Reduce CD from 12s to 11s

-[Dragon Blood Barrier] Reduce CD from 10s to 8s



Bless of Light] (Card Effective Grade 4): Fix BUG



Cards for all heroes Adjustments:
-[Present of Forgetfulness] (Card Effective Grade 4): Fix BUG


*AP = Attack Power