September 6th Update - New Hero & Patch Notes

update | Sep 10.2018

Dear players,

A new update (version No.1.14.0) for Legend of Ace is ready.

In preparation for this new version,servers will be offline during the following times:

Australia(UTC/GMT+10): September 6, 00:00am -04:00am PST

Follow us on Facebook,Twitter,for the latest news from the team. 

Thank you for your support.


►【New Hero Arrived】

------- Lory - [Spirit of Twilight] -------

Demonstration video:Click to view


introduction of skills:

    ATTACKS [Focus]

Focus [Eyes of Truth] to attack target hero.Increase damage,treatment and Mana Cost by 10% per second.(up to 50%).

Eyes of Light: Heal lory 10+0.1ap life and deal 10+0.2ap damage.

Eyes of Darkness:Deal 10+0.3ap damage and slow target's movement speed by 20%.

Light and Darkness:Heal lory 5+0.05ap life,and deal 10+0.25ap damage and slow target's movement speed by 10%.


    PASSIVE  [Eyes of Truth]

Eyes of Light and Eyes of Darkness surround you,healing or attacking nearby units.

Eyes of Light:Heal lory 5+0.025ap life and deal 5+0.075ap damage( or heal friendly heroes ).

Eyes of Darkness:Cause 5+0.1ap damage.


    SKILLS1 [Redemption]

Cause 60+0.3ap healing to friendly forces in a 4m radius,and convert 1 Eye of Light.

Healing increased to 100+0.5ap when not possessing Eyes of Darkness.

[Redemption] shares cool-down with [Judgement].


    SKILLS2 [Judgement]

Deal 90+0.75ap damage to enemy forces in a 4m radius,and convert 1 Eye of Darkness.

Damage increased to 120+1.0ap when not possessing Eyes of Light.

[Judgement] shares cool-down with [Redemption].


    SKILLS3 [Light's Truth]

Lory regains light, causing damage and healing according to [Eyes of Truth].

For every Eye of Light:Cause 125 +0.6ap damage and healing.

For every Eye of Darkness:150+0.8ap damage and 0.7 stuns.


►【Game Adjustments】


New Function:
- You can change your Card Deck in the first 10 seconds of the game.

- Recharge to purchase Gems.

- Link Facebook Account.


Chests in shop Adjustments:
- Rare Chest for all cards, Epic Chest for all cards and Legendary Chest for all cards.

- Optimize UI and Prompts


Hero Balance Adjustments:

-[Fencing Fighting] Increase the duratiYuliyaon from 3s to 4s
Sword of Shadow]Optimize to hit enemies more easily

Bloodthirsty] Reduce heal effect from 3% to 2%


Cards for all heroes Adjustments:

Rework and add lots of cards, change Effective Grade and effects, to narrow the gap between each grade.

[Knowledgeable](Card Effective Grade 1): Gain 15(0.5)% bonus EXP.

[Necrophilia](Card Effective Grade 1): No longer lost stacks while death.

[Covert Syndrome](Card Effective Grade 1) rework to [Embrace of Apollo](Card Effective Grade 1): Double your Basic Armor.

[Mantra](Card Effective Grade 2):Reduce the Mana Cost of cast by 21%.

[Occult Sciences](Card Effective Grade 2):Heal for 18(1)% of ability damage dealt to hero.

[Flashing](Card Effective Grade 2) rework to [Chrysalis]:After 4 minutes, consume the Health Regeneration of [Chrysalis] to gain 90(3) Attack Power.

[Precise Flashing](Card Effective Grade 2) rework to [Stampede](Card Effective Grade 6):Basic Attack deals bonus damage equal to 0.08% of your Max Health.

[Slaughter Instinct](Card Effective Grade 2->5): Basic attack on a hero will draw 2% of target's Current Health.

[Will of Steel](Card Effective Grade 3): Gain 10 Penetration while enemy hero's Max Health below than you.

[Infinity](Card Effective Grade 3->4) remove passive effect.

[Space Barriers](Card Effective Grade 4->2): Reduce the damage dealt of Basic Attack by 15(+0.06ap).

[Internal Burst](Card Effective Grade 4): Gain the Penetration equal to 25% of your Armor.

[Spell Surging](Card Effective Grade 4) rework to [Living Armor]:+24(0.5) Armor;+22(0.5)% Cooldown Reduction.

[Eater](Card Effective Grade 4) rework to [Ordovician Armor](Card Effective Grade 4):Set your Armor to 35.

[Time Locking](Card Effective Grade 5) rework to [Field of Gravity](Card Effective Grade 6):Nearby enemy heroes lose 10 Armor.

[S Level Mission](Card Effective Grade 5) rework to [Advance Life Claw]:+120(3) Attack Power;+24(0.5)% Life Steal.

[Focused Shot](Card Effective Grade 5) rework to [Marksmanship](Card Effective Grade 4):+32(1)% Attack Speed;+30(1)% Life Steal.

[Soul Burning](Card Effective Grade 6) rework: Ability damage to enemy heroes deals bonus damage equal to 3(0.2)% of target's Current Health.

[Advance Cruel](Card Effective Grade 6)rework to [Emblem of Rights](Card Effective Grade 8): +24(0.5)% Attack Power.

[Arcane Power Devourment](Card Effective Grade 6) rework to [The Eye of Destruction]: Gain 30% Penetration.

[Frozen in Time](Card Effective Grade 6) rework to [Giant Killer]: Basic Attack to enemy heroes gain 38(1.5)% Crit Rate, when target's Max Health is more than you.

[Life Blooming](Card Effective Grade 7) rework to [Natural Blessing](Card Effective Grade 5):Gain 60 Armor during stuns, taunts and immobilizes.

[Advance Health](Card Effective Grade 7) rework to [Ancient Fossils](Card Effective Grade 8): +26(0.5)% Max Health.

[Entangling Roots](Card Effective Grade 7) rework to [Death Fight]: +30(1)% Crit Rate;+14(0.5)% Crit Damage.

[Present of Forgetfulness](Card Effective Grade 8) rework: Upon taking lethal damage, restore 70% of Max Health and Max Mana after 1.5s. Cooldown:50(-2)s.

[Tempered](Card Effective Grade 8) rework:+600(20) Health;+75(2) Attack Power;+20(0.5)% tenacity.

[Mage Power](Card Effective Grade 8->7): Gain Attack Power equal to 20% of your Max Mana.


New Cards:

[Tower Shelter](Card Effective Grade 2): Doubles the effect of [Logistics support].

[Stone Skin](Card Effective Grade 2): +360(10) Health;+22(0.5) Armor.

[Eviscerate](Card Effective Grade 3): Abilities gain 6 Penetration.

[Advance Stone Skin](Card Effective Grade 5):+480(10) Health;+28(0.5) Armor.

[Contempt](Card Effective Grade 5): When the damage dealt is below than 2% of your Max Health, reduce it to 0.

[Thorn Heart](Card Effective Grade 7): When hit by Basic Attacks, reflect damage equal to 1.5% of your Max health.

[Evolution of Jurassic Period](Card Effective Grade 7): Upgrade 1 level.



*Please edit your card decks after updating. 
*AP = Attack Power