Aloof and Proud

There is no ally around:
While Flying, increase the movement speed by 50(2)%.
There is no ally around:
While Flying, increase the movement speed by 50(2)%.
[Shadow of Haste-Flying]:Increase 70(2)% damage at the cost of not reduce cooldown.
While Flying,increase the movement speed by 25(1)%.
Grants Attack power equal to 30% of Basic Speed
Grants Attack power equal to 15% of Basic Speed
+15% Crit Chance
Gain Attack Power equal to 25% of the Crit Chance increasingly more but Basic Attacks can not crit.
The Cooldown of [Comat Roll] refunds by 70(2)% when the ammo clip is full.
Gain 50% of Movement Speed and 50% of Attack Speed for 2.5 seconds after casting [Comat Roll].
The last 2 bullets deal bonus 50% damage.
The last 2 bullets deal bonus 95% damage
Increase the effect of [Galaxy Shifts] to 14%.
Increase the damage of [Shockwave] by 30(0.5)%
Increase the shield of [Power Shield] by 25(0.5)%.
Increase the shield of [Power Shield] by 20(0.5)%.
Become immune to disables during [Power Rolling].
Every basic attack discharges [Shockwave] during [Power Shield].
The Ultimate changes to [Storm Flying-hammer]: Throw the hammer,dealing [70+0.8*Attack Power] damage to enemies on hit and slowing them by 50(6)% for 1.2s.
This Ability can be casted up to 5 times.
Upon taking lethal damage,restore 100(5)% of max health and max Mana after 1.4 seconds of stasis.(120 second cooldown)